William 29th January 2021

Tony, I'm writing on behalf of your ex-SIG colleagues and friends. We were all devastated to hear of your passing. Like thousands of others you had so many more years left and so much to look forward to before the pandemic. I contacted some ex-customers of ours who were equally gutted to hear the news. As a colleague you were always incredibly reliable (aside from a couple of "dodgy knee" episodes!) which I always put down to your military service. You were a big part of that SIG family we had back in the day and we're all so desperately sad that you won't enjoy the many more years of retirement you deserved. We'll remember you as the kind, generous Tony we had the honour to work with for all of those years. We'll particularly remember you on those really cold mornings when we used to have a sweep to see how many times you'd mention your knees before you left the yard! Deepest condolences to your family from all of us. Bill